Our Saltwater Vlogs
KCBS with Lise Swenson
An interview with Director Lise Swenson about her upcoming film, Saltwater.
Collaborating with Goodwill
Find out about Saltwater's unique partnership with Goodwill.
Fun With Slates
This handy video gives some background on how and why a slate is used in filmmaking.
Casting for Saltwater
Check out the Casting Team and their thoughts on the search for actors for the independent feature film Saltwater.
Building a Hoard Set
Saltwater Production Designer Carolyn Eidson discusses some of the challenges of building a complicated movie set from scratch.
Saltwater Interns
Insight on the body that moves the Saltwater project.
Highlights of the Lecture Series
Salwater, more than a movie. An educational, student powered, community-based project. See what we featured in our lecture series.
Location Scouting
Discover how the locations team finds Saltwater's sets for filming.
The Foundation Center of SF
Check out some of the resources the Foundation Center provides to Saltwater and other independent organizations.
The Beginning of Saltwater
Learn about how Saltwater came to fruition.
How to Tag on Facebook
See some basics on how to use this feature as a fundraising tool on your Facebook page.
9th St. Independent Film Center
Our film production office shares space with some like-minded entities. Learn all about their programs too!
Solicitations and Donations
Want to know how to cold call for supplies needed in independent filmmaking? Then check out these helpful hints on how to go about it.
Introducing the film Saltwater
Get some info on independent film Saltwater.
Social Media
There are many ways that social media and the web can be used for promoting an independent film. Here is how Saltwater does it.
Saltwater's Grantwriting team has devoted a lot of work towards obtaining grants in order to fund our independent film. Hear all about it in this vlog.
Lecture Series
Discover how Saltwater and TILT collaborated to create a lecture series on filmmaking.